Greg adalah letnan polisi; Dia harus mengumpulkan informasi tentang eko-aktivis, menyusup ke mereka selama berbulan-bulan. Myriam, seorang wanita bebas muda, berjuang untuk menyelamatkan hutan dari pembangunan bendungan. Mereka bertemu dan jatuh cinta di zona itu. Kehidupan yang indah, sukacita yang dilihat Greg, meskipun ada risiko yang dibuka kedok. Untuk masing -masing, waktu singkat: Segera semuanya akan hilang.
Greg is a police lieutenant; he must collect informations on eco-activists, infiltrating them for months. Myriam, a young free woman, is fighting to save a forest from the building of a dam. They meet and fall in love on the Zone. A beautiful life, a joy that Greg discovers, despite the risks of being unmasked. For each of them, time is short: soon everything will disappear.
Greg is a police lieutenant; he must collect informations on eco-activists, infiltrating them for months. Myriam, a young free woman, is fighting to save a forest from the building of a dam. They meet and fall in love on the Zone. A beautiful life, a joy that Greg discovers, despite the risks of being unmasked. For each of them, time is short: soon everything will disappear.
Directors: Romain Cogitore
Writer: Romain Cogitore, Thomas Bidegain, Catherine Paill
Starring: Franois Civil, Lyna Khoudri, Nathalie Richard
Writer: Romain Cogitore, Thomas Bidegain, Catherine Paill
Starring: Franois Civil, Lyna Khoudri, Nathalie Richard
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