Seorang ahli biologi margasatwa yang berupaya menumbuhkan perlindungan satwa liar di Afrika terpaksa bekerja sama dengan seorang desainer taman hiburan yang ingin membuat objek wisata safari yang berlebihan
A wildlife biologist working on fostering the protection of wildlife in Africa is forced to team up with a theme park designer who wants to create an over-the-top safari attraction
A wildlife biologist working on fostering the protection of wildlife in Africa is forced to team up with a theme park designer who wants to create an over-the-top safari attraction
Directors: Leif Bristow
Writer: Agnes Bristow
Starring: Andrew W Walker, Brittany Bristow, Simon Pretorius
Writer: Agnes Bristow
Starring: Andrew W Walker, Brittany Bristow, Simon Pretorius
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