Dua teman terbaik, Uche dan Toyin, jatuh cinta pada hari Minggu, bujangan yang menawan namun cacat. Segitiga cinta terjadi dengan wanita yang tidak menyadari bahwa mereka berkencan dengan pria yang sama.
Two best friends, Uche and Toyin, fall in love with Sunday, a charming, yet flawed eligible bachelor. A love triangle ensues with the women unaware that they are dating the same man.
Two best friends, Uche and Toyin, fall in love with Sunday, a charming, yet flawed eligible bachelor. A love triangle ensues with the women unaware that they are dating the same man.
Directors: Walter Taylaur
Writer: Darrel BristowBovey
Starring: Dakore EgbusonAkande, Oris Erhuero, Nse IkpeEtim
Writer: Darrel BristowBovey
Starring: Dakore EgbusonAkande, Oris Erhuero, Nse IkpeEtim
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