A Thousand and One (2023)
116 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Drama | 2023-03-31
Berjuang namun tanpa penyesalan hidup dengan caranya sendiri, Inez berpindah dari tempat penampungan ke tempat penampungan lain di pertengahan tahun 1990-an di New York City. Dengan putranya yang berusia 6 tahun, Terry, berada di panti asuhan dan tidak dapat meninggalkannya lagi, dia menculiknya sehingga mereka dapat membangun kehidupan bersama. Seiring berlalunya waktu, keluarga mereka tumbuh dan Terry menjadi remaja yang cerdas namun pendiam, namun rahasia yang menentukan kehidupan mereka mengancam untuk menghancurkan rumah yang telah mereka bangun dengan sangat mustahil.
Struggling but unapologetically living on her own terms, Inez is moving from shelter to shelter in mid-1990s New York City. With her 6-year-old son Terry in foster care and unable to leave him again, she kidnaps him so they can build their life together. As the years go by, their family grows and Terry becomes a smart yet quiet teenager, but the secret that has defined their lives threatens to destroy the home they have so improbably built.
Struggling but unapologetically living on her own terms, Inez is moving from shelter to shelter in mid-1990s New York City. With her 6-year-old son Terry in foster care and unable to leave him again, she kidnaps him so they can build their life together. As the years go by, their family grows and Terry becomes a smart yet quiet teenager, but the secret that has defined their lives threatens to destroy the home they have so improbably built.
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