A Traveler’s Needs (2024)
90 Minm | South Korea | Drama | 2024-04-24
Iris, seorang wanita di luar negeri di Seoul, mengajar bahasa Prancis dan Inggris dengan cara yang istimewa yang memungkinkannya untuk mengejar minat filosofis dan pribadinya sendiri. Melalui empat pertemuan selama satu hari, Iris menyelidiki siswa dan orang asing untuk informasi tentang puisi, sejarah mereka sendiri, dan hubungan mereka dengan ego mereka.
Iris, a woman abroad in Seoul, teaches French and English in an idiosyncratic fashion that allows her to pursue her own philosophical and personal interests. Through four encounters over a single day, Iris probes students and strangers for information about poetry, their own histories, and their relationship to their egos.
Iris, a woman abroad in Seoul, teaches French and English in an idiosyncratic fashion that allows her to pursue her own philosophical and personal interests. Through four encounters over a single day, Iris probes students and strangers for information about poetry, their own histories, and their relationship to their egos.
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