After Death (2023)
106 Minm | United States of America | Documentary, Drama | 2023-10-26
Berdasarkan pengalaman mendekati kematian yang nyata, akhirat dieksplorasi dengan bimbingan penulis terlaris New York Times, pakar medis, ilmuwan dan penyintas yang menjelaskan apa yang menanti kita.
Based on real near-death experiences, the afterlife is explored with the guidance of New York Times bestselling authors, medical experts, scientists and survivors who shed a light on what awaits us.
Based on real near-death experiences, the afterlife is explored with the guidance of New York Times bestselling authors, medical experts, scientists and survivors who shed a light on what awaits us.
Directors: Chris Radtke, Stephen Gray
Writer: Stephen Gray
Starring: Koko Marshall, Michael Jovanovski, Doug Lito
Writer: Stephen Gray
Starring: Koko Marshall, Michael Jovanovski, Doug Lito
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