Alarmed (2023)
86 Minm | United States of America | Thriller | 2023-02-17
Ketika orang tua Janet dan Sean berangkat untuk liburan akhir pekan yang sangat dibutuhkan, pria bertopeng melewati sistem keamanan rumah berteknologi tinggi untuk menyandera putra remaja mereka. Di bawah ancaman kehilangan putra mereka, pasangan ini mengikuti serangkaian instruksi samar yang membawa mereka ke kantor Janet dengan satu perintah terakhir: membunuh bosnya.
When parents Janet and Sean leave for a much-needed weekend getaway, masked men bypass their high-tech home security system to hold their teen son hostage. Under threat of losing their son, the couple follow a series of cryptic instructions that land them at Janet's office with one final order: to kill her boss.
When parents Janet and Sean leave for a much-needed weekend getaway, masked men bypass their high-tech home security system to hold their teen son hostage. Under threat of losing their son, the couple follow a series of cryptic instructions that land them at Janet's office with one final order: to kill her boss.
Directors: Matthew Kohnen
Writer: Matthew Kohnen
Starring: Pooch Hall, Brittany Baker, Eric Allan Kramer
Writer: Matthew Kohnen
Starring: Pooch Hall, Brittany Baker, Eric Allan Kramer
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