Altered Perceptions (2023)
122 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Thriller | 2023-09-22
Sebuah thriller psikologis yang menyelidiki neurologi identitas dan masalah pikiran dan otak yang sudah berlangsung lama. Apa yang terjadi jika otak manusia menjadi beracun? Ketika berpikir menjadi halusinasi dalam intensitasnya. Ketika kita tampak kehilangan aspek fungsi emosional, konkret, dan personal. Ketika rasa realitas kita hampir hancur.
A psychological thriller that probes the neurology of identity and the age old problem of mind and brain. What happens when the human brain becomes toxic? When thinking becomes hallucinatory in intensity. When we appear to have lost the emotional, the concrete, the personal aspects of functioning. When our sense of reality is virtually destroyed.
A psychological thriller that probes the neurology of identity and the age old problem of mind and brain. What happens when the human brain becomes toxic? When thinking becomes hallucinatory in intensity. When we appear to have lost the emotional, the concrete, the personal aspects of functioning. When our sense of reality is virtually destroyed.
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