Ketika pos kecil disergap, pasukan Angkatan Darat AS harus mengambil pertempuran di bawah tanah pada misi berisiko tinggi dalam jenis perang baru yang belum pernah mereka lihat.
When a small outpost is ambushed, a US Army squad must take the battle below ground on a high-stakes mission in a new type of warfare the likes of which they have never seen.
When a small outpost is ambushed, a US Army squad must take the battle below ground on a high-stakes mission in a new type of warfare the likes of which they have never seen.
Directors: Mark Burman
Writer: Mark Burman, Johnny Lozano, Michael McClung
Starring: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Connor Paolo, Aaron Eckhart
Writer: Mark Burman, Johnny Lozano, Michael McClung
Starring: Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Connor Paolo, Aaron Eckhart
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