America Is Sinking (2023)
83 Minm | | Action, Science Fiction | 2023-12-15
Ketika banjir glasial menyebabkan efek riak gempa bumi dan tsunami, para ilmuwan harus membuat lubang runtuhan untuk menyerap air dan membuat Arktik kembali dingin.
When glacial flooding causes a ripple effect of earthquakes and tsunamis, scientists must create sinkholes to absorb the water and makethe Arctic cold once more.
When glacial flooding causes a ripple effect of earthquakes and tsunamis, scientists must create sinkholes to absorb the water and makethe Arctic cold once more.
Directors: Mario N Bonassin
Writer: Steve Doucette, Jeremiah Crothers
Starring: Chelsea Gilson, Andrew Rogers, Johnny Pacar
Writer: Steve Doucette, Jeremiah Crothers
Starring: Chelsea Gilson, Andrew Rogers, Johnny Pacar