Siddharth, seorang anak muda yang menjalankan bisnis keluarga terkejut menemukan Doppelgängers Manjunath dan Michael di GetDopple.com. Setelah bertemu di Goa, mereka datang ke Hyderabad untuk membantu Siddarth menang atas Ishika, seorang gadis yang mencari Superman untuk menjadi suaminya. Tetapi hal -hal berubah secara drastis ketika NIA beraksi untuk menangkap Michael, alias Bipin Roy.
Siddharth, a youngman who runs a family business is astonished to find his doppelgängers Manjunath and Michael on getdopple.com. After meeting up in Goa, they come down to Hyderabad to help Siddarth win over Ishika, a girl looking for superman to be her husband. But things take a drastic turn when NIA swings into action to nab Michael, aka Bipin Roy.
Siddharth, a youngman who runs a family business is astonished to find his doppelgängers Manjunath and Michael on getdopple.com. After meeting up in Goa, they come down to Hyderabad to help Siddarth win over Ishika, a girl looking for superman to be her husband. But things take a drastic turn when NIA swings into action to nab Michael, aka Bipin Roy.
Directors: Rajendra Reddy
Writer: Rajendra Reddy, Ramajogayya Sastry, Rahman
Starring: Kalyan Ram, Ashika Ranganath, Brahmaji
Writer: Rajendra Reddy, Ramajogayya Sastry, Rahman
Starring: Kalyan Ram, Ashika Ranganath, Brahmaji
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