Setelah diskors dari agensi mereka karena pelanggaran peraturan, pembunuh bayaran remaja Chisato dan Mahiro terpaksa mendapatkan pekerjaan “nyata” untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Namun meski duo elite ini dilarang mengeksekusi target atau musuh dalam keadaan apa pun, dua calon pembunuh bayaran memutuskan untuk menyingkirkan kompetisi tersebut saat mereka dalam kondisi rentan—yang berujung pada pertarungan cepat antara para pembunuh terlatih.
After being suspended from their agency due to a rules violation, teenage hitmen Chisato and Mahiro are forced to get “real” jobs to make ends meet. But while the elite duo is forbidden from executing targets or enemies under any circumstances, two aspiring rival hitmen decide to eliminate the competition while they’re vulnerable—leading to a lightning-fast showdown between trained killers.
After being suspended from their agency due to a rules violation, teenage hitmen Chisato and Mahiro are forced to get “real” jobs to make ends meet. But while the elite duo is forbidden from executing targets or enemies under any circumstances, two aspiring rival hitmen decide to eliminate the competition while they’re vulnerable—leading to a lightning-fast showdown between trained killers.
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