Dinda memutuskan untuk berhenti bekerja untuk merawat bayinya yang baru lahir, sementara Dika bekerja keras untuk mendukung keluarganya. Ternyata memiliki anak bukanlah yang mereka berdua bayangkan. Intervensi ibu mertua, ibu tari, menambah tingkat stres. Akumulasi semua ini membuat Dinda mengalami sindrom Baby Blues yang perlahan -lahan menyakiti hubungan Dinda dan Dika. Dalam klimaks, permintaan Dinda yang tidak disengaja diberikan: mereka bertukar tubuh. Mereka harus belajar untuk memahami dan memahami satu sama lain.
Dinda decides to stop working to take care of her newborn baby, while Dika is working hard to support her family. It turns out that having children is not what they both imagined. The intervention of the mother-in-law, Dance Mother, adds to the stress level. The accumulation of all this makes Dinda experience Baby Blues syndrome which slowly hurts Dinda and Dika's relationship. In the climax, Dinda's unintentional request was granted: they swap bodies. They must learn to understand and understand each other.
Dinda decides to stop working to take care of her newborn baby, while Dika is working hard to support her family. It turns out that having children is not what they both imagined. The intervention of the mother-in-law, Dance Mother, adds to the stress level. The accumulation of all this makes Dinda experience Baby Blues syndrome which slowly hurts Dinda and Dika's relationship. In the climax, Dinda's unintentional request was granted: they swap bodies. They must learn to understand and understand each other.
Directors: Andibachtiar Yusuf
Writer: Imam Darto, Balraj Singh
Starring: Vino G Bastian, Aurlie Moeremans, Ratna Riantiarno
Writer: Imam Darto, Balraj Singh
Starring: Vino G Bastian, Aurlie Moeremans, Ratna Riantiarno
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