Before, Now & Then (2022) (2022)
103 Minm | Indonesia, United States of America | Drama, History | 2022-07-08
Bertempat melawan tahun-tahun pasca-kemerdekaan Indonesia di tahun 1960-an, kisah ini berkisar pada kehidupan rumah tangga seorang wanita yang kehidupan pribadinya telah sepenuhnya dibatalkan oleh kekacauan politik.
Set against Indonesia’s turbulent post-independence years in the 1960s, the story revolves around the domestic life of a woman whose personal life has been completely overturned by the political turmoil.
Set against Indonesia’s turbulent post-independence years in the 1960s, the story revolves around the domestic life of a woman whose personal life has been completely overturned by the political turmoil.
Directors: Kamila Andini
Writer: Kamila Andini, Ahda Imran
Starring: Happy Salma, Laura Basuki, Ibnu Jamil
Writer: Kamila Andini, Ahda Imran
Starring: Happy Salma, Laura Basuki, Ibnu Jamil
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