Hidup tidak dapat diprediksi. Cinta itu rumit. Tetapi perubahan dimungkinkan jika Anda bersedia melakukan pekerjaan. Di belakang tabir adalah kisah yang menyayat hati tentang cinta, pernikahan, pengkhianatan, kecanduan, dan penderitaan. Stacey adalah wanita sukses yang terperangkap oleh citra kesuksesan. Darrel adalah pria yang kuat melawan iblisnya sendiri secara pribadi. Mereka adalah model harapan di komunitas mereka tetapi membawa rasa sakit di hati mereka. Bersama -sama mereka mengajari kita bahwa pernikahan tidak akan menyembuhkan apa yang Anda tolak untuk diungkapkan, dan cinta tidak akan memperbaiki apa yang dipecahkan nafsu.
Life is unpredictable. Love is complicated. But change is possible if you're willing to do the work. Behind the Veil is a heart-wrenching story about love, marriage, betrayal, addiction, and suffering. Stacey is a successful woman trapped by the image of success. Darrel is a strong man battling his own demons in private. They are models of hope in their community but carrying pain in their heart. Together they teach us that marriage won't heal what you refuse to reveal, and love won't fix what lust broke.
Life is unpredictable. Love is complicated. But change is possible if you're willing to do the work. Behind the Veil is a heart-wrenching story about love, marriage, betrayal, addiction, and suffering. Stacey is a successful woman trapped by the image of success. Darrel is a strong man battling his own demons in private. They are models of hope in their community but carrying pain in their heart. Together they teach us that marriage won't heal what you refuse to reveal, and love won't fix what lust broke.
Directors: Michael Morris, Mya Speller Cullins
Writer: Mya Speller Cullins
Starring: Brittany Passion, Bella Daphine Austin, Kal Cauthen
Writer: Mya Speller Cullins
Starring: Brittany Passion, Bella Daphine Austin, Kal Cauthen
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