New Delhi, musim dingin 1993. Seorang pemuda bisu tuli ditangkap oleh "Biro" dan dituduh sebagai mata -mata. Seorang ahli bahasa isyarat dibawa untuk bertindak sebagai penerjemah untuk agen pemerintah dan "mata -mata". Mengurai misteri adalah perjalanan yang menghisap pakar bahasa isyarat ke dalam pusaran gelap persaingan antara lembaga intelijen, tipu daya, dan korupsi, di mana garis horizon antara kepolosan dan rasa bersalah menjadi kabur.
New Delhi, the winter of 1993. A deaf mute young man is arrested by "Bureau" and accused of being a spy. A sign language expert is brought in to act as an interpreter for the Government’s agent and the “spy”. The unravelling of the mystery is the journey that sucks the sign language expert into the dark vortex of rivalry between intelligence agencies, deceit, and corruption, where the horizon line between innocence and guilt gets hazy.
New Delhi, the winter of 1993. A deaf mute young man is arrested by "Bureau" and accused of being a spy. A sign language expert is brought in to act as an interpreter for the Government’s agent and the “spy”. The unravelling of the mystery is the journey that sucks the sign language expert into the dark vortex of rivalry between intelligence agencies, deceit, and corruption, where the horizon line between innocence and guilt gets hazy.
Directors: Atul Sabharwal
Writer: Atul Sabharwal
Starring: Aparshakti Khurana, Ishwak Singh, Rahul Bose
Writer: Atul Sabharwal
Starring: Aparshakti Khurana, Ishwak Singh, Rahul Bose
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