Binged to Death (2023)
79 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Thriller | 2023-10-17
Ketika seorang wanita lajang yang obsesif dan sahabatnya mengetahui bahwa pasangan reality show favorit mereka telah putus, mereka menculik mereka dan melakukan serangkaian permainan kejam, semua dengan harapan dapat menghidupkan kembali kisah cinta TV favorit mereka.
When an obsessive single woman and her best friend learn that their favorite reality show couples have broken up, they abduct them and subject them to a series of cruel games, all with the hopes of rekindling their favorite TV romances.
When an obsessive single woman and her best friend learn that their favorite reality show couples have broken up, they abduct them and subject them to a series of cruel games, all with the hopes of rekindling their favorite TV romances.
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