Birthright Outlaw (2023)
96 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Western | 2023-10-13
Seorang anak perempuan diculik. Sebuah masa lalu yang tersembunyi terungkap. Prospek penyelamatan yang tampaknya sia -sia. Sekarang, Pendeta Jeremiah Jacobs dan istrinya Martha harus mengatasi kebohongan masa lalu untuk menemukan harapan mereka untuk masa depan.
A daughter kidnapped. A hidden past revealed. A seemingly futile prospect of rescue. Now, Rev. Jeremiah Jacobs and his wife Martha must overcome the lies of the past to find their hope for the future.
A daughter kidnapped. A hidden past revealed. A seemingly futile prospect of rescue. Now, Rev. Jeremiah Jacobs and his wife Martha must overcome the lies of the past to find their hope for the future.
Directors: Aaron Burns
Writer: Justin Strawhand, Aaron Burns
Starring: Sarah Drew, Lucas Black, Olivia Sanabia
Writer: Justin Strawhand, Aaron Burns
Starring: Sarah Drew, Lucas Black, Olivia Sanabia
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