CATHY baru saja kembali ke Indonesia dari belajar di luar negeri sebagai dokter spesialis ginekologi (kehamilan dan kesehatan rahim). Sesampainya di Jakarta, teman-teman dan keluarga Cathy menyambutnya dengan bangga. Namun seiring dengan gelar dan pekerjaan barunya, Cathy juga mendapat tekanan dari orang tuanya untuk menikah. Muncul salah satu calon yang menjadi calon terkuat Cathy, namanya Erol. Sahabat Cathy sudah lama memendam perasaan padanya, namun Cathy belum ada niat untuk menyambut perasaan itu karena hatinya masih terjebak dalam cinta lama dengan MALIK, pacarnya semasa SMA. Suatu hari, Cathy bertemu dengan seorang teman lama, namanya HANNA. Mereka bertemu saat Cathy sedang berlatih; Hanna datang sebagai pasien yang sedang hamil. Sebagai bentuk pelepasannya, Hanna mengajak Cathy makan malam di rumahnya. Namun betapa terkejutnya Cathy saat mengetahui suami Hanna adalah Malik. Keterkejutan Cathy bertambah saat ia menemukan sel kanker di tubuh Hanna.
CATHY has just returned to Indonesia from studying abroad as a gynecology specialist (pregnancy and uterus health). Arriving in Jakarta, Cathy's friends and family welcomed her proudly. But along with her new title and job, Cathy is also under pressure from her parents to get married. One candidate emerged as the strongest candidate for Cathy, his name was Erol. Cathy's friend has long harbored feelings for him, but Cathy has no intention of welcoming those feelings because her heart is still trapped in an old love with MALIK, her boyfriend from high school. One day, Cathy meets an old friend, her name is HANNA. They met while Cathy was practicing; Hanna comes as a patient who is pregnant. As a form of letting go, Hanna invites Cathy to have dinner at her house. But how shocked Cathy was when she found out that Hanna's husband was Malik. Cathy's surprise grew when she found cancer cells in Hanna's body.
CATHY has just returned to Indonesia from studying abroad as a gynecology specialist (pregnancy and uterus health). Arriving in Jakarta, Cathy's friends and family welcomed her proudly. But along with her new title and job, Cathy is also under pressure from her parents to get married. One candidate emerged as the strongest candidate for Cathy, his name was Erol. Cathy's friend has long harbored feelings for him, but Cathy has no intention of welcoming those feelings because her heart is still trapped in an old love with MALIK, her boyfriend from high school. One day, Cathy meets an old friend, her name is HANNA. They met while Cathy was practicing; Hanna comes as a patient who is pregnant. As a form of letting go, Hanna invites Cathy to have dinner at her house. But how shocked Cathy was when she found out that Hanna's husband was Malik. Cathy's surprise grew when she found cancer cells in Hanna's body.
Directors: Benni Setiawan
Writer: Benni Setiawan
Starring: Syifa Hadju, Mikha Tambayong, Rizky Nazar
Writer: Benni Setiawan
Starring: Syifa Hadju, Mikha Tambayong, Rizky Nazar
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