Bleeding Love (2024)
96 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2024-02-16
Dalam upaya untuk bersatu kembali dengan putrinya setelah masa absen, seorang ayah membawanya dalam perjalanan ke Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sepanjang jalan mereka menemukan beberapa karakter dan hambatan yang menarik sambil memilah hubungan mereka.
In an effort to reunite with his daughter after a period of absence, a father takes her on a road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Along the way they encounter some interesting characters and obstacles while sorting out their relationship.
In an effort to reunite with his daughter after a period of absence, a father takes her on a road trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Along the way they encounter some interesting characters and obstacles while sorting out their relationship.
Directors: Emma Westenberg
Writer: Vera Bulder, Clara McGregor, Ruby Caster
Starring: Clara McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Kim Zimmer
Writer: Vera Bulder, Clara McGregor, Ruby Caster
Starring: Clara McGregor, Ewan McGregor, Kim Zimmer
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