Dua saudara muda ditinggalkan oleh ibu mereka selama musim panas 1948, mereka berlari ke hutan dan bertahan hidup di sana selama tujuh tahun.
Two young brothers are abandoned by their mother during summer of 1948, they run into the forest and survive there for seven years.
Two young brothers are abandoned by their mother during summer of 1948, they run into the forest and survive there for seven years.
Directors: Olivier Casas
Writer: Olivier Casas, Audrey Schecroun, Michel Paul de Lafregeyre
Starring: Mathieu Kassovitz, Yvan Attal, Anas Parello
Writer: Olivier Casas, Audrey Schecroun, Michel Paul de Lafregeyre
Starring: Mathieu Kassovitz, Yvan Attal, Anas Parello
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