Brutal Heat (2023)
73 Minm | Czech Republic, Slovakia | Drama | 2023-08-31
Sebagian besar Matahari telah pecah dan menuju ke Bumi, yang permukaannya perlahan-lahan memanas hingga tingkat yang tak tertahankan. Suasana hati yang aneh menyelimuti dunia yang lemah ini: apa pun bisa terjadi, hampir di mana saja, tanpa peringatan. Bahkan di kota yang sepi, di mana seorang pemuda berusia 18 tahun terdampar dalam perjalanan menuju pondok keluarga. Faktanya adalah tidak ada yang tahu pada suhu berapa karakter manusia mulai mencair...
A massive segment of the Sun has broken off and is heading for Earth, whose surface is slowly heating up to an unbearable level. A strange mood pervades a debilitated world: anything could happen, virtually anywhere, without warning. Even in a sleepy town, where an 18-year-old lad gets stranded on his way to the family cottage. The fact is that no-one knows at what temperature the human character starts to melt...
A massive segment of the Sun has broken off and is heading for Earth, whose surface is slowly heating up to an unbearable level. A strange mood pervades a debilitated world: anything could happen, virtually anywhere, without warning. Even in a sleepy town, where an 18-year-old lad gets stranded on his way to the family cottage. The fact is that no-one knows at what temperature the human character starts to melt...
Directors: Albert Hospodsk
Writer: Albert Hospodsk
Starring: Vincent Hospodsk, Milan Mikulk, Zdeka Petrov
Writer: Albert Hospodsk
Starring: Vincent Hospodsk, Milan Mikulk, Zdeka Petrov
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