Teddy ingin menikah untuk memenuhi keinginan ibunya. Namun, ketika ibunya mengetahui bahwa calon istrinya, Vanessia, adalah keturunan Cina, ibunya tidak mengizinkannya karena dia malu oleh tetangga. Teddy juga mengundang seluruh desa ke Jakarta sehingga mereka masih bisa menikah.
Teddy wants to get married to fulfill his mother's wishes. However, when his mother found out that his future wife, Vanessia, was of Chinese descent, her mother did not allow it because she was embarrassed by the neighbors. Teddy also invited the whole village to Jakarta so they could still get married.
Teddy wants to get married to fulfill his mother's wishes. However, when his mother found out that his future wife, Vanessia, was of Chinese descent, her mother did not allow it because she was embarrassed by the neighbors. Teddy also invited the whole village to Jakarta so they could still get married.
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