Seorang gadis remaja yang bukan Cinderella bertemu dengan seorang pria yang membawa sepatunya di sebelahnya sehingga mereka dapat saling mencintai, mengubah persahabatan dari permusuhan, menyatukan keluarga dan mendapatkan nilai yang paling berharga untuk menghormati hidupnya dan orang lain.
A teenage girl who is not Cinderella is met with a man who brings her shoe next to it so that they can love each other, change friendship from enmity, unite families and get the most valuable value to respect her life and others.
A teenage girl who is not Cinderella is met with a man who brings her shoe next to it so that they can love each other, change friendship from enmity, unite families and get the most valuable value to respect her life and others.
Directors: Adi Garin
Writer: Queen B, Dheti Azmi
Starring: Rafael Adwel, Fujianti Utami, Gusti Rayhan
Writer: Queen B, Dheti Azmi
Starring: Rafael Adwel, Fujianti Utami, Gusti Rayhan
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