Chantilly Bridge (2023)
86 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2023-03-24
Chantilly Bridge menyatukan kembali sekelompok teman setia seumur hidup yang masih – di usia lanjutnya – mengejar impian mereka, melawan ketidakadilan, dan mempertahankan keyakinan mereka. Para wanita tersebut mengungkapkan kehidupan mereka dan menangani isu-isu penting yang berdampak pada semua wanita dengan humor, kerendahan hati, kemanusiaan, dan cinta. Tidak ada topik yang luput dari kecerdasan dan wawasan para wanita ini: kesetaraan, seks, menopause, kematian, feminisme, peran sebagai orang tua, karier, cinta, dan bahkan momen “saya juga”.
Chantilly Bridge reunites a group of lifelong, steadfast friends who are still – in their later years -- chasing their dreams, fighting injustices, and sticking up for their convictions. The women lay bare their lives and deal with important issues that impact all women with humor, humility, humanity, and love. No topic escapes the razor-like wit and insight of these women: equality, sex, menopause, mortality, feminism, parenthood, careers, love, and even “me-too” moments.
Chantilly Bridge reunites a group of lifelong, steadfast friends who are still – in their later years -- chasing their dreams, fighting injustices, and sticking up for their convictions. The women lay bare their lives and deal with important issues that impact all women with humor, humility, humanity, and love. No topic escapes the razor-like wit and insight of these women: equality, sex, menopause, mortality, feminism, parenthood, careers, love, and even “me-too” moments.
Directors: Linda Yellen
Writer: Linda Yellen, Michael Leeds
Starring: Lindsay Crouse, Jill Eikenberry, Patricia Richardson
Writer: Linda Yellen, Michael Leeds
Starring: Lindsay Crouse, Jill Eikenberry, Patricia Richardson
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