Tentang seorang perancang busana bernama Cherish yang ingin membeli kembali rumah masa kecilnya. Dibantu oleh Ruelle, sahabatnya, dia juga menerima tawaran seorang pria misterius yang dipanggil oleh dealer untuk mencuri gaun pengantin senilai puluhan miliar Rupiah milik seorang pengusaha kontroversial bernama Richella. Bisakah mereka melakukannya?
About a fashion designer named Cherish who wants to buy back her childhood home. Helped by Ruelle, her best friend, she also accepts the offer of a mysterious man called by the Dealer to steal a wedding dress worth tens of billions of rupiah belonging to a controversial businessman named Richella. Can they do it?
About a fashion designer named Cherish who wants to buy back her childhood home. Helped by Ruelle, her best friend, she also accepts the offer of a mysterious man called by the Dealer to steal a wedding dress worth tens of billions of rupiah belonging to a controversial businessman named Richella. Can they do it?
Directors: Azhar Kinoi Lubis
Writer: Reiga Sanskara, Richard Oh
Starring: Beby Tsabina, Febby Rastanty, Imelda Therinne
Writer: Reiga Sanskara, Richard Oh
Starring: Beby Tsabina, Febby Rastanty, Imelda Therinne
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