Christmas in Scotland (2023)
90 Minm | Canada, United Kingdom | Comedy, Drama, TV Movie | 2023-12-06
Saat berlibur di Skotlandia, seorang desainer instalasi asal New York mendapati dirinya ditugaskan membantu komunitas kecil pedesaan menciptakan pertunjukan lampu yang meriah dan bersaing dalam festival 'Desa Natal Terbaik', meskipun ada intervensi dari pewaris kaya dan berpengaruh yang memandang Natal sebagai sebuah perayaan. ketidaknyamanan. Dipaksa bekerja sama, dekorator dan ahli waris bersatu untuk menghadirkan keajaiban musiman ke seluruh komunitas, membuat keduanya sadar bahwa mereka ingin menghabiskan Natal berikutnya dan setiap Natal bersama.
On vacation in Scotland, a New York installation designer finds herself tasked with helping a small, rural community create a festive light display and compete in a ‘Best Christmas Village’ festival, despite the interventions of a wealthy, influential heir who sees Christmas as an inconvenience. Forced to work together, the decorator and the heir unite to bring seasonal magic to the entire community, making both realize they wish to spend next and every Christmas together.
On vacation in Scotland, a New York installation designer finds herself tasked with helping a small, rural community create a festive light display and compete in a ‘Best Christmas Village’ festival, despite the interventions of a wealthy, influential heir who sees Christmas as an inconvenience. Forced to work together, the decorator and the heir unite to bring seasonal magic to the entire community, making both realize they wish to spend next and every Christmas together.
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