Kiblat menyatakan bahwa dia akan melamar pacarnya, Asya. Asya menerima dengan kondisinya, Kibla bertemu ayah Asya dan menerima berkatnya. Sekali lagi, itu diterima, tetapi ketika Kiblat memberi tahu ibunya tentang keinginannya untuk menikah, ibunya langsung menolak keinginan ini. Rintangan bagi Kiblat dan Asya untuk menikah sebenarnya berasal dari Ny. Kiblat sendiri.
Kiblat stated that he would propose to his girlfriend, Asya. Asya accepted with the conditions, Kibla met Asya's father and received his blessing. Again, it was accepted, but when Kiblat told his mother about his desire to get married, his mother outright rejected this desire. The obstacle for Kiblat and Asya to get married actually came from Mrs. Kiblat herself.
Kiblat stated that he would propose to his girlfriend, Asya. Asya accepted with the conditions, Kibla met Asya's father and received his blessing. Again, it was accepted, but when Kiblat told his mother about his desire to get married, his mother outright rejected this desire. The obstacle for Kiblat and Asya to get married actually came from Mrs. Kiblat herself.
Directors: Amrul Ummami
Writer: M Ali Ghifari
Starring: Juan Bio One, Hanggini Purinda Retto, Vonny Anggraini
Writer: M Ali Ghifari
Starring: Juan Bio One, Hanggini Purinda Retto, Vonny Anggraini
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