Citizen of a Kind (2024)
113 Minm | South Korea | Comedy, Crime | 2024-01-24
Setelah kehilangan toko cuciannya karena kebakaran, seorang ibu tunggal Duk-hee menerima telepon dari bank yang menawarkan pinjaman besar di muka sehingga dia segera mengambilnya. Namun tak lama kemudian, dia mengetahui bahwa dia telah menjadi korban skema phishing suara. Merasa hancur, Duk-hee meminta bantuan polisi, namun dia semakin kecewa karena tidak ada harapan untuk mendapatkan kembali uangnya. Pada saat putus asa, Jae-min, phisher yang menipunya, menelepon teleponnya sekali lagi untuk memberi tahu Duk-hee tentang organisasi kriminal yang mengurungnya dan memaksanya melakukan panggilan phishing suara dari Tiongkok. Dengan panggilan itu, Duk-hee memutuskan untuk menyelidiki sendiri kasus ini dan naik pesawat ke Tiongkok bersama teman-temannya.
After losing her laundry store to a fire incident, a single mom Duk-hee receives a call from a bank offering a generous upfront loan so she takes it right away. But soon after, she finds out that she has become a victim of a voice phishing scheme. Devastated, Duk-hee turns to the police for help, only to be more disappointed that there is no hope of retrieving her money. At the moment of despair, Jae-min, the phisher who tricked her, rings her phone once again to tip Duk-hee off about the criminal organization that locked him up and coerced him to make voice phishing calls from China. With that call, Duk-hee makes up her mind to investigate this case for herself and take a plane to China with her friends.
After losing her laundry store to a fire incident, a single mom Duk-hee receives a call from a bank offering a generous upfront loan so she takes it right away. But soon after, she finds out that she has become a victim of a voice phishing scheme. Devastated, Duk-hee turns to the police for help, only to be more disappointed that there is no hope of retrieving her money. At the moment of despair, Jae-min, the phisher who tricked her, rings her phone once again to tip Duk-hee off about the criminal organization that locked him up and coerced him to make voice phishing calls from China. With that call, Duk-hee makes up her mind to investigate this case for herself and take a plane to China with her friends.
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