Yoko, satu -satunya putri Pak Pras, seorang pensiunan tentara, disandera dengan teman sekolahnya, Damar. Tuntutan sandera Taker adalah meminta sejumlah uang dari PRAS dan anggotanya yang sebelumnya terlibat dalam operasi militer. Polisi anti-teror berusaha bernegosiasi dengan penyanderaan sehingga tidak ada korban. Polisi anti-teror melibatkan ayah Damar dan sekolah untuk meluncurkan proses negosiasi.
Yoko, the only daughter of Pak Pras, a retired soldier, was taken hostage with her school friend, Damar. The hostage taker's demands were to ask for some money from Pras and his members who had previously been involved in a military operation. The anti-terror police are trying to negotiate with the hostage-taker so that there are no victims. The anti-terror police involved Damar's father and the school to launch the negotiation process.
Yoko, the only daughter of Pak Pras, a retired soldier, was taken hostage with her school friend, Damar. The hostage taker's demands were to ask for some money from Pras and his members who had previously been involved in a military operation. The anti-terror police are trying to negotiate with the hostage-taker so that there are no victims. The anti-terror police involved Damar's father and the school to launch the negotiation process.
Directors: Dyan Sunu Prastowo
Writer: Raditya Kurnia, Budhita Arini
Starring: Abun Sungkar, Shareefa Daanish, Dannia Salsabila
Writer: Raditya Kurnia, Budhita Arini
Starring: Abun Sungkar, Shareefa Daanish, Dannia Salsabila
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