Close to You (2024)
99 Minm | Canada, United States of America, United Kingdom | Drama, Unknown | 2024-08-16
Seorang pria trans kembali ke kota kelahirannya untuk pertama kalinya selama bertahun -tahun. Dalam perjalanannya, ia menghadapi hubungannya dengan keluarganya, bersatu kembali dengan cinta pertama, dan menemukan kepercayaan diri yang baru ditemukan pada dirinya sendiri.
A trans man returns to his hometown for the first time in years. On his journey, he confronts his relationship with his family, reunites with a first love, and discovers a newfound confidence in himself.
A trans man returns to his hometown for the first time in years. On his journey, he confronts his relationship with his family, reunites with a first love, and discovers a newfound confidence in himself.
Directors: Dominic Savage
Writer: Elliot Page, Dominic Savage
Starring: Elliot Page, Hillary Baack, Wendy Crewson
Writer: Elliot Page, Dominic Savage
Starring: Elliot Page, Hillary Baack, Wendy Crewson
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