Seorang psikolog Amerika, yang disewa untuk melatih seorang perancang busana, membantu seorang detektif Prancis yang dijaga mengungkap daftar tersangka yang modis setelah pembunuhan terjadi di belakang panggung peragaan busana Paris.
An American psychologist, hired to coach a fashion designer, helps a guarded French detective unravel a list of fashionable suspects after a murder happens backstage of a Paris fashion show.
An American psychologist, hired to coach a fashion designer, helps a guarded French detective unravel a list of fashionable suspects after a murder happens backstage of a Paris fashion show.
Directors: Felipe Rodriguez
Writer: Stephanie Sourapas
Starring: Brooke DOrsay, Gilles Marini, David Bowles
Writer: Stephanie Sourapas
Starring: Brooke DOrsay, Gilles Marini, David Bowles
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