Maura dan Al adalah suami dan istri. Mereka saling mencintai, sayangnya Maura tidak beruntung karena dia tidak bisa memiliki anak. Ella, yang merupakan sahabat Maura, akhirnya dipercaya oleh pasangan ini untuk 'meminjam' rahimnya. Selama kehamilan anak Maura dan Al, Maura mengalami kecelakaan dan meninggal. Al akhirnya memutuskan untuk membawa Ella dan Zoey (anak-anak Ella dari mantan suaminya, Scott) ke Seattle, dengan alasan bahwa ia dapat lebih memperhatikan kondisi Ella, yang hamil dengan anaknya. Apa yang akan terjadi di sebelah Ella, Al, Zoey dan janin yang dibawa Ella?
Maura and Al are husband and wife. They loved each other, unfortunately Maura was unlucky because she could not have children. Ella, who is Maura's best friend, is finally trusted by this couple to 'borrow' her uterus. During the pregnancy of Maura and Al's child, Maura had an accident and died. Al finally decides to take Ella and Zoey (Ella's children from her ex-husband, Scott) to Seattle, with the excuse that he can pay more attention to Ella's condition, who is pregnant with her child. What will happen next to Ella, Al, Zoey and the fetus that Ella is carrying?
Maura and Al are husband and wife. They loved each other, unfortunately Maura was unlucky because she could not have children. Ella, who is Maura's best friend, is finally trusted by this couple to 'borrow' her uterus. During the pregnancy of Maura and Al's child, Maura had an accident and died. Al finally decides to take Ella and Zoey (Ella's children from her ex-husband, Scott) to Seattle, with the excuse that he can pay more attention to Ella's condition, who is pregnant with her child. What will happen next to Ella, Al, Zoey and the fetus that Ella is carrying?
Directors: Monty Tiwa, Lakonde
Writer: Monty Tiwa, Nataya Bagya, Sefryana Khairil
Starring: Anggika Blsterli, Jourdy Pranata, Salshabilla Adriani
Writer: Monty Tiwa, Nataya Bagya, Sefryana Khairil
Starring: Anggika Blsterli, Jourdy Pranata, Salshabilla Adriani
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