Dear Nathan: Thank You Salma (2022) Nathan sayang: Terima kasih Salma (2022) (2022)
112 Minm | Indonesia | Drama, Romance | 2022-01-13
Nathan dan Salma memasuki dunia aktivisme sosial. Salma memilih untuk mengekspresikan dirinya secara digital sementara Nathan memilih untuk turun ke jalan. Perbedaan ini memicu pertarungan besar ketika Nathan terlibat dalam kerusuhan besar di sebuah demonstrasi. Romansa mereka berakhir. Nathan mencoba berjuang untuk Salma untuk melanjutkan hubungannya. Sayangnya, waktu Nathan terkoyak setelah Rebecca memintanya untuk membantu Zanna, yang mengalami pelecehan seksual. Nathan berada dalam posisi yang sulit, karena dia harus melindungi privasi Zanna dan merahasiakan masalah ini dari semua orang termasuk Salma. Masalahnya diperparah ketika Salma dekat dengan Afkar, seorang musisi yang telah lama mengidolakan Salma. Nathan tidak pernah berhenti memperjuangkan keadilan untuk Zanna, tetapi pada saat yang sama dia juga tidak mau kehilangan Salma.
Nathan and Salma enter the world of social activism. Salma chose to express himself digitally while Nathan chose to take to the streets. This difference sparked a big fight when Nathan was involved in a big riot at a demonstration. Their romance ended. Nathan tries to fight for Salma to continue his relationship. Unfortunately, Nathan's time is torn apart after Rebecca asks him to help Zanna, who is sexually assaulted. Nathan is in a difficult position, because he has to protect Zanna's privacy and keep this matter a secret from everyone including Salma. The problem is compounded when Salma is close to Afkar, a musician who has long idolized Salma. Nathan never stopped fighting for justice for Zanna, but at the same time he was also not willing to lose Salma.
Nathan and Salma enter the world of social activism. Salma chose to express himself digitally while Nathan chose to take to the streets. This difference sparked a big fight when Nathan was involved in a big riot at a demonstration. Their romance ended. Nathan tries to fight for Salma to continue his relationship. Unfortunately, Nathan's time is torn apart after Rebecca asks him to help Zanna, who is sexually assaulted. Nathan is in a difficult position, because he has to protect Zanna's privacy and keep this matter a secret from everyone including Salma. The problem is compounded when Salma is close to Afkar, a musician who has long idolized Salma. Nathan never stopped fighting for justice for Zanna, but at the same time he was also not willing to lose Salma.
Directors: Kuntz Agus
Writer: Sunar S Samtani, Gea Rexy, Bagus Bramanti
Starring: Jefri Nichol, Amanda Rawles, Diandra Agatha
Writer: Sunar S Samtani, Gea Rexy, Bagus Bramanti
Starring: Jefri Nichol, Amanda Rawles, Diandra Agatha
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