Death Streamer (2024)
90 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2024-10-11
Seorang vampir zaman modern menggunakan kacamata berteknologi canggih yang memungkinkan dia tidak hanya memburu korbannya masuk dan keluar dari dunia virtual...tetapi juga LIVE STREAM pesta berdarahnya agar dapat dilihat semua orang! Ketika hantu berteknologi tinggi ini terus mengenyangkan korban-korbannya yang berteriak-teriak, kultus kepribadiannya yang berbasis internet meluas, basis penggemarnya kecanduan menonton pembantaian tersebut. Namun ketika trio penyelidik supernatural muda pemberani mengunci jejak "Death Streamer", iblis membalikkan keadaan dan mulai mengintai mereka.
A modern-age vampire employs technologically advanced glasses that enable him to not only hunt his victims in and out of the virtual world...but also LIVE STREAM his bloody feasts for all to see! As this high-tech ghoul continues to glut on his screaming victims, his internet-based cult of personality expands, his fanbase addicted to watching the slaughter. But when an intrepid trio of young supernatural investigators lock-down on the trail of the "Death Streamer", the fiend turns the tables and begins stalking them.
A modern-age vampire employs technologically advanced glasses that enable him to not only hunt his victims in and out of the virtual world...but also LIVE STREAM his bloody feasts for all to see! As this high-tech ghoul continues to glut on his screaming victims, his internet-based cult of personality expands, his fanbase addicted to watching the slaughter. But when an intrepid trio of young supernatural investigators lock-down on the trail of the "Death Streamer", the fiend turns the tables and begins stalking them.
Directors: Charles Band
Writer: Neal Marshall Stevens, Charles Band
Starring: Maddy May, Llana Barron, Emma Massalone
Writer: Neal Marshall Stevens, Charles Band
Starring: Maddy May, Llana Barron, Emma Massalone
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