Perjuangan Dona, ibu hamil yang didiagnosa menderita gagal ginjal. Dona memiliki keinginan yang kuat untuk melahirkan, meski ancaman cuci darah dan kematian selalu membayangi dirinya. Ditemani Yuda, suaminya, dan Haryati, ibu mertuanya, Dona berjuang keras untuk mewujudkan mimpinya melahirkan dan melihat anaknya tumbuh besar.
The struggle of Dona, a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with kidney failure. Dona had a strong desire to give birth, even though the threat of dialysis and loss of life always loomed over her. Accompanied by Yuda, her husband and Haryati, her mother-in-law, Dona fought hard to realize her dream of giving birth and seeing her child grow up.
The struggle of Dona, a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with kidney failure. Dona had a strong desire to give birth, even though the threat of dialysis and loss of life always loomed over her. Accompanied by Yuda, her husband and Haryati, her mother-in-law, Dona fought hard to realize her dream of giving birth and seeing her child grow up.
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