Suatu hari, seorang mahasiswa cerewet dengan perm alami, Totonou Kunou (Masaki Suda) mengunjungi Hiroshima untuk pameran seni, dan di sana bertemu dengan seorang gadis remaja, Shioji Kariatsumari, yang mengatakan bahwa dia adalah teman Garo Inudo (Eita Nagayama). “Maukah kamu bekerja untukku? Nyawa dan uang dipertaruhkan. Aku serius.” Dia menawarkan Totonou pekerjaan paruh waktu, yang ternyata terkait dengan suksesi warisan yang sangat besar. Totonou memutuskan untuk membantunya, hanya untuk terlibat dalam pertarungan warisan keluarga Kariatsumari yang mulia dan teduh, di mana orang-orang telah terbunuh selama beberapa generasi. Berbagai sisi gelap dan misteri keluarga terbentang di balik warisan tersebut. Kebenaran apa yang terkubur di sana?
One day, a talkative college student with a natural perm, Totonou Kunou (Masaki Suda) visits Hiroshima for an art exhibition, and there meets a teenage girl, Shioji Kariatsumari, who says she is a friend of Garo Inudo (Eita Nagayama). “Would you work for me? Lives and money are at stake. I’m serious.” She offers Totonou a part-time job, which turns out to be related to the succession of an enormous inheritance. Totonou decides to help her out, only to get involved in an inheritance battle of the noble and shady Kariatsumari family, where people have been killed for generations. Multiple dark sides and mysteries of the family are laid out behind the inheritance. What truth is buried there?
One day, a talkative college student with a natural perm, Totonou Kunou (Masaki Suda) visits Hiroshima for an art exhibition, and there meets a teenage girl, Shioji Kariatsumari, who says she is a friend of Garo Inudo (Eita Nagayama). “Would you work for me? Lives and money are at stake. I’m serious.” She offers Totonou a part-time job, which turns out to be related to the succession of an enormous inheritance. Totonou decides to help her out, only to get involved in an inheritance battle of the noble and shady Kariatsumari family, where people have been killed for generations. Multiple dark sides and mysteries of the family are laid out behind the inheritance. What truth is buried there?
Directors: Hiroaki Matsuyama
Writer: Tomoko Aizawa, Yumi Tamura
Starring: Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Kouhei Matsushita
Writer: Tomoko Aizawa, Yumi Tamura
Starring: Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Kouhei Matsushita
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