Terpaksa meninggalkan kenyamanan gaya hidup kelas menengahnya atas perintah ayahnya, Ahmet yang berusia empat belas tahun dikirim ke asrama keagamaan khusus laki-laki di mana ia harus menjalani ekspektasi keluarga, kewajiban keagamaannya, dan masa kanak-kanak yang sangat ia pegang teguh. .
Forced to leave the comfort of his middle class lifestyle at his father's behest, fourteen-year-old Ahmet is sent to an all-boys religious dormitory where he must navigate familial expectations, his religious obligations, and the childhood to which he so desperately clings.
Forced to leave the comfort of his middle class lifestyle at his father's behest, fourteen-year-old Ahmet is sent to an all-boys religious dormitory where he must navigate familial expectations, his religious obligations, and the childhood to which he so desperately clings.
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