Menggambarkan secara sempurna konsep cinta tanpa syarat, saling menghormati dan patriotisme terhadap negara tercinta melalui penghapus bendera Malaysia. Perjalanan bagaimana sebuah keluarga yang hancur bertahan dari pecahan cinta sebuah keluarga yang berbeda keyakinan budaya. Sebagaimana cinta tidak menyaksikan adanya gender, ras dan agama melainkan rasa hormat dan tindakan kemanusiaan antar individu.
Depicts perfectly to the concept of unconditional love, mutual respect and patriotism towards beloved country through a Malaysian flag eraser. The journey of how a ruined family survives the broken pieces from the love of a family of different cultural beliefs. As love witnesses no gender, race and religion but respect and humanity actions between individuals.
Depicts perfectly to the concept of unconditional love, mutual respect and patriotism towards beloved country through a Malaysian flag eraser. The journey of how a ruined family survives the broken pieces from the love of a family of different cultural beliefs. As love witnesses no gender, race and religion but respect and humanity actions between individuals.
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