Seorang mantan petugas polisi mengesampingkan perbedaannya dengan kepolisian demi melacak pembunuh saudaranya. Dia bekerja sama dengan detektif yang lebih muda untuk membawa pulang kasus ini.
A former police officer puts aside his differences with the force in order to track down his brother's murderer. He teams with a younger detective to bring the case home.
A former police officer puts aside his differences with the force in order to track down his brother's murderer. He teams with a younger detective to bring the case home.
Directors: Jimmy Mak
Writer: Brett Caron, Matthew Nayman, James Mark
Starring: Chris Mark, Nina Kiri, Cindy Sampson
Writer: Brett Caron, Matthew Nayman, James Mark
Starring: Chris Mark, Nina Kiri, Cindy Sampson
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