Ilmuwan perubahan iklim muda, Elias jatuh cinta dengan penyanyi yang bercita -cita tinggi, Anita. Tetapi ketika ada kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan misi yang meneliti fenomena perubahan iklim yang berbahaya - patah tulang misterius di dasar laut - ia memilih karier daripada cinta. Bertahun -tahun kemudian, selama misinya, ia mengalami visi tentang seperti apa hidupnya jika ia membuat pilihan yang berbeda dan obsesi barunya menjadi untuk mendapatkan hidup dan cinta lamanya.
Young climate change scientist, Elias falls in love with an aspiring singer, Anita. But when an opportunity arises for him to join a mission researching a dangerous climate change phenomenon – a mysterious fracture on the ocean floor – he chooses career over love. Years later, during his mission, he experiences a vision of what his life could have been like if he made a different choice and his new obsession becomes to get his old life and love back.
Young climate change scientist, Elias falls in love with an aspiring singer, Anita. But when an opportunity arises for him to join a mission researching a dangerous climate change phenomenon – a mysterious fracture on the ocean floor – he chooses career over love. Years later, during his mission, he experiences a vision of what his life could have been like if he made a different choice and his new obsession becomes to get his old life and love back.
Directors: Ulaa Salim
Writer: Ulaa Salim
Starring: Simon Sears, Nanna land Fabricius, Viktor Hjelmse
Writer: Ulaa Salim
Starring: Simon Sears, Nanna land Fabricius, Viktor Hjelmse
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