Seorang koboi tiba di sebuah desa untuk mencari putrinya, seorang polisi wanita asli menangkap berbagai pelanggar di lanskap bersalju, sementara keponakannya, pelatih bola basket, bersatu kembali dengan kakeknya untuk perjalanan yang menentukan yang akan membentuk masa depannya, seekor burung terbang melalui waktu dan ruang dan mulai memasuki pikiran dan impian suku asli di hutan Amazon.
A cowboy arrives in a village in search of his daughter, a native policewoman arrests various offenders in a snowy landscape, while her niece, a basketball coach, reunites with her grandfather for a decisive journey that will shape her future, a bird flies through time and space and begins to enter the minds and dreams of a native tribe in a the Amazon forest.
A cowboy arrives in a village in search of his daughter, a native policewoman arrests various offenders in a snowy landscape, while her niece, a basketball coach, reunites with her grandfather for a decisive journey that will shape her future, a bird flies through time and space and begins to enter the minds and dreams of a native tribe in a the Amazon forest.
Directors: Lisandro Alonso
Writer: Lisandro Alonso, Fabin Casas, Martin Camano
Starring: Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni, Alaina Clifford
Writer: Lisandro Alonso, Fabin Casas, Martin Camano
Starring: Viggo Mortensen, Chiara Mastroianni, Alaina Clifford
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