Di Sarajevo, seorang remaja yang mencari penegasan mengungkapkan bahwa dia berhubungan seks untuk pertama kalinya selama permainan 'kebenaran atau berani' di antara siswa sekolah menengah. Terperangkap dalam kebohongannya sendiri, dia mengarang kehamilan dan menjadi pusat kontroversi yang tidak terkendali.
In Sarajevo, a teenager seeking affirmation reveals that she had sex for the first time during a game of 'truth or dare' among middle schoolers. Trapped in her own lie, she fabricates a pregnancy and becomes the center of a controversy that spirals out of control.
In Sarajevo, a teenager seeking affirmation reveals that she had sex for the first time during a game of 'truth or dare' among middle schoolers. Trapped in her own lie, she fabricates a pregnancy and becomes the center of a controversy that spirals out of control.
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