Suatu hari seorang pemuda Brazil yang tinggal di Jepang menabrakkan mobilnya ke samping rumah sebuah keluarga bahagia. Mereka membawanya masuk setelah menyadari dia telah dipukuli. Ketika mereka saling mengenal, mereka menemukan ikatan keluarga melampaui darah dan garis keturunan.
One day a young Brazilian man living in Japan crashes his car into the side of the house of a happy family. They take him in after realizing he had been beaten. As they get to know each other they find the bonds of family transcend blood and lineage.
One day a young Brazilian man living in Japan crashes his car into the side of the house of a happy family. They take him in after realizing he had been beaten. As they get to know each other they find the bonds of family transcend blood and lineage.
Directors: Izuru Narushima
Writer: Kiyotaka Inagaki
Starring: Koji Yakusho, Ryo Yoshizawa, Lucas Sagae
Writer: Kiyotaka Inagaki
Starring: Koji Yakusho, Ryo Yoshizawa, Lucas Sagae
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