Iman, seorang remaja yang tidak populer di sekolah, menghabiskan hari-harinya merawat seorang ayah yang cacat total, tanpa meninggalkan kesempatan sosial. Sepeninggal sang ayah, terjalinlah kedekatan antara ayah dan anak tersebut. Hanya saja ayahnya kini menjelma menjadi roh jahil yang menuntunnya menemukan cinta dan bangkit melawan para pengganggu di sekolah.
Iman, an unpopular teenager at school, spends her days caring for a father who is completely disabled, leaving no social opportunities. After the father died, there was closeness between father and son. It's just that his father is now in the form of an ignorant spirit, which leads him to find love and rise up against the bullies at school.
Iman, an unpopular teenager at school, spends her days caring for a father who is completely disabled, leaving no social opportunities. After the father died, there was closeness between father and son. It's just that his father is now in the form of an ignorant spirit, which leads him to find love and rise up against the bullies at school.
Directors: Danial Rifki
Writer: Dono Indarto, Paizin Palma
Starring: Juan Bio One, Dwi Sasono, Cassandra Sheryl Lee
Writer: Dono Indarto, Paizin Palma
Starring: Juan Bio One, Dwi Sasono, Cassandra Sheryl Lee
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