First Lady of BMF: The Tonesa Welch Story (2023)
120 Minm | United States of America | Drama, TV Movie | 2023-10-05
Terinspirasi oleh kehidupan sejati Detroit Native Tonessa Welch. Ini memetakan kenaikan Welch dari ibu remaja menjadi pengedar narkoba, dia disebut oleh jaksa federal sebagai "Ibu Negara BMF"
Inspired by the true life of Detroit native Tonesa Welch. It charts Welch's rise from a teenager's mother to a drug dealer, she is referred to by federal prosecutors as "The First Lady of the BMF"
Inspired by the true life of Detroit native Tonesa Welch. It charts Welch's rise from a teenager's mother to a drug dealer, she is referred to by federal prosecutors as "The First Lady of the BMF"
Directors: Vivica A Fox
Writer: Gabrielle Collins, Tressa Azarel Smallwood
Starring: Toni Welch, Michelle Mitchenor, Leon
Writer: Gabrielle Collins, Tressa Azarel Smallwood
Starring: Toni Welch, Michelle Mitchenor, Leon
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