Rencana Chef Lia untuk memperluas layanan pengiriman makanan yang tidak berpusat pada jantung nirlaba karena desakannya melakukan semuanya sendiri. Tetapi dengan bantuan tetangga barunya dan ayah adopsi baru -baru ini, dia akan menemukan bisnis itu, seperti romansa, dapat berkembang dengan sedikit usaha dan kepercayaan.
Chef Lia’s plans to expand her non-profit heart-centered meal delivery service flounder due to her insistence on doing everything herself. But with the help of her new neighbor and recent adoptee father Eli she’ll discover that business, just like romance, can flourish with a little effort and trust.
Chef Lia’s plans to expand her non-profit heart-centered meal delivery service flounder due to her insistence on doing everything herself. But with the help of her new neighbor and recent adoptee father Eli she’ll discover that business, just like romance, can flourish with a little effort and trust.
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