Film ini berfokus pada momen hidup dan mati polisi penjaga perdamaian Tiongkok yang jarang diketahui! Atas permintaan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa dan dikirim oleh negara, petugas polisi penjaga perdamaian memikul misi suci dan pergi ke luar negeri untuk melaksanakan tugas penjaga perdamaian di wilayah misi yang dilanda perang. Mereka harus menghadapi serangan teroris, kerusuhan bersenjata, geng dan situasi berbahaya lainnya, operasi penjaga perdamaian tidak dapat ditunda...
The movie focuses on the little-known life and death moments of Chinese peacekeeping police! At the request of the United Nations and dispatched by the state, peacekeeping police officers shoulder the sacred mission and go to foreign countries to carry out peacekeeping tasks in war-torn mission areas. They will have to face terrorist attacks, armed riots, gangs and other dangerous situations, peacekeeping operations can not be delayed...
The movie focuses on the little-known life and death moments of Chinese peacekeeping police! At the request of the United Nations and dispatched by the state, peacekeeping police officers shoulder the sacred mission and go to foreign countries to carry out peacekeeping tasks in war-torn mission areas. They will have to face terrorist attacks, armed riots, gangs and other dangerous situations, peacekeeping operations can not be delayed...
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