Film ini merupakan penghormatan terhadap bangsa yang terhina dan hancur. "Selama Rumput Tumbuh" adalah sebuah kisah penciptaan alternatif, kuno dan sederhana, di mana manusia bukanlah mahkota penciptaan, tetapi yang terlemah dari semua makhluk. Film ini membawa kita kembali ke permulaan waktu, di mana Pak Tua mulai menciptakan dunia dari segenggam lumpur. Segala sesuatu yang dia ciptakan adalah baru dan tidak bernama, serta mempengaruhi seluruh dunia. Bahkan perasaan dan keinginan tidak diketahui dan ketika hal itu muncul, dunia menjadi semakin rumit.
This film is a tribute to a humiliated and destroyed nation. "As Long as the Grass Grows" is an alternative, ancient and humble creation story, where man is not the crown of the creation, but the weakest of all creatures. The film takes us back to the beginning of time, where Old Man begins to create the world out of a handful of mud. Everything he creates is new and nameless, and affects the rest of the world. Even feelings and desires are unknown and when they emerge, the world becomes more and more complicated.
This film is a tribute to a humiliated and destroyed nation. "As Long as the Grass Grows" is an alternative, ancient and humble creation story, where man is not the crown of the creation, but the weakest of all creatures. The film takes us back to the beginning of time, where Old Man begins to create the world out of a handful of mud. Everything he creates is new and nameless, and affects the rest of the world. Even feelings and desires are unknown and when they emerge, the world becomes more and more complicated.
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