Frisky Business (2023)
93 Minm | United Kingdom | Comedy, Drama | 2023-03-03
Seorang waria muda yang cemas mencari jalan keluar sebelum sebuah berita yang mengungkapkan menghantam gelombang udara, dua orang asing yang diam -diam berkeliaran di malam hari di sebuah kota di bawah jam malam, dan sebuah perkemahan musim panas yang ramai berupaya untuk menyingkirkan para pemuda Amerika dari keinginan heteroseksual yang berdosa. Koleksi celana pendek yang menantang yang mengeksplorasi hasrat, penganiayaan, dan pemberontakan dari era masa lalu, sekarang dan masa depan. 5 film pendek adalah: Ayor (2021); All The Way (2018); Lost Queens [Locas Perdidas] (2015); Gay Camp (2018); Undercurrent [宵禁] (2020).
An anxious young drag queen searches for a way out before a revealing news story hits the airwaves, two silent strangers wander out into the night in a city under curfew, and a lively summer camp seeks to rid the youths of America of their sinful heterosexual desires. A defiant collection of shorts exploring passion, persecution and revolt from eras past, present and future. The 5 short films are: AYOR (2021); All the Way (2018); Lost Queens [Locas perdidas] (2015); Gay Camp (2018); Undercurrent [宵禁] (2020).
An anxious young drag queen searches for a way out before a revealing news story hits the airwaves, two silent strangers wander out into the night in a city under curfew, and a lively summer camp seeks to rid the youths of America of their sinful heterosexual desires. A defiant collection of shorts exploring passion, persecution and revolt from eras past, present and future. The 5 short films are: AYOR (2021); All the Way (2018); Lost Queens [Locas perdidas] (2015); Gay Camp (2018); Undercurrent [宵禁] (2020).
Directors: Tom Bakker, Zoe Weng YuTong, Pedro Rilh
Starring: Oliver Wellington, Michael Ballard, James Hardy
Starring: Oliver Wellington, Michael Ballard, James Hardy
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